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3D nanotech blankets offer new path to clean drinking water
Fiber tech could eliminate pollutants, generate sustainable energy
Alumna makes waves in the maritime industry
​​​​​​​Navier founder Sampriti Bhattacharyya wants to transform water transport
Building a strong community for women in tech
Student organization connects women in computing

News continued

Paving the way for more durable, sustainable concrete
Co-prescribed stimulants, opioids linked to higher opioid doses
Ohio State joins NextGenAI consortium for breakthrough AI research
New certificate prepares students for future of automotive manufacturing
Undergraduate Research Forum for Engineering and Architecture
William G. Lowrie Lectures
Engineering Design Showcase
"I chose Ohio State for its campus diversity and career resources. Touring the university, I envisioned thriving as an engineering student, and now it feels like home through the relationships I’ve built in courses and leadership roles."
– Lucy Schneider, Industrial & Systems Engineering
Lucy Schneider portrait

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